Elvira Keller Studio, Faenza


My studio, like my work, is multi-layered.

Ground Floor

On the ground floor I have an exhibition space where you can find my collections: plates and glasses, cups, mugs, vases, and bottles from the “Palafitte” collection, my key theme. You will find stoneware collections of plates and vases, a variety of colorful ex-votos and small porcelain jewels.

Troverete collezioni in gres di piatti e vasi, varietà di ex-voto colorati e piccoli gioielli in porcellana.

Climbing up the stairs...

Going up the stairs you will see sculptures and mural installations in porcelain and some panels of various inspirations

First Floor

On the first floor you can find my lovely laboratory, the creative centre where I realize my projects with all the equipment I need. There are shelves full of tools, colours and brushes, the painting booth and finally my beloved ovens.

Second Floor

On the second floor you’re going to find the bright “extra room”, dedicated to courses for adults and children and to the residences of artists from Italy and abroad who want to spend some time in Faenza to carry out a project or simply to experiment new techniques.



showroom, workshop and store



Prize Competitions and Exhibitions



site specific and scupltures

Elvira Keller serie limitate e progetti site specific


collaborations and limited series